International tennis academy for all ages – Zürich, Switzerland

Target Audience: Adults (Members and Non-members of the academy)
Duration: 5 hours that can be distributed within two weeks. You can choose which weeks are possible for you.
Working hours: Monday to Sunday between 8am and 6pm
Focus: This program is an intensive training for all adults who want to quickly improve. It can be additionally to your regular group trainings or even a new program if you have never trained with us before. The lessons can be in a group of two or private lessons. We will specifically work on your technique and/or tactics and get your game to the next level.
What do you get out of this program? We will analyze your game, find out exactly what needs to be worked on and give you also recommendations for your future trainings. Our coaches discuss all of our players developments, so that we can give the best possible feedback, recommendations and in general the best lessons on the court.

Training is possible on all days of the week. During the week, there are regular adult training sessions in the evening and therefore only limited spots are available.